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02-02-2011, 11:43 PM
There is a new concept out there or debate on in a last minute dash to safety from your home or any situation that leaves you without the creature comforts of home to always have a Grab and Go Pack or Bag. I suggest the basics first, Food-Water-Firestarter-knife. You cant take more than you can carry so make it count. Second Toilet tissue 1 roll at least, at least one change of clothes, flashlight with extra batteries, a small am/fm shortwave weather radio, a few garbage bags to keep your belongings dry, some parachute chord for tying up a temporary shelter. If you have a big ruck sack with a metal frame you could really add more items than this but keep it small its grab and go not tug and pull.

02-11-2011, 02:25 PM
There are some companies offering pre-assembled bug out bags now. Here's an example (http://www.survival-gear.com/grab-and-go-bags.htm). This would probably be a good option for a lot of people lacking survival skills and knowledge. Personally I'd start with (in addition to Arm's post above) water purification tablets, firesteel, a good combat knife (can double as multiple tools if you get one heavy enough), some of those cheap foil emergency blankets (even if you don't use it to stay warm you can use it for a makeshift parabolic mirror for melting snow for water, not sure if you'd be able to cook with it, a large signal mirror, and for help constructing a weather proof shelter), and depending on your locale something dry to use as tinder to get your fire started. Also, this is the one time when you won't want to avoid high calorie/carb snacks. This would only be a small "bug out" bag. If I were truly preparing a survival pack there would be plenty of other items, see my other post in the survival techniques thread for more ideas.

02-11-2011, 06:54 PM
Good ad-on AK Junkie. Yes we all should be ready for the worst case scenario in a survival situation. Even a car stuck in the snow on a lonely backroad with no cell service could end in tragedy. Keep a kit in your car such as a jar of peanut butter, power bars, blankets, flashlight. And also never let the snow pile up to your exhaust pipe it could affixiate you with carbon monoxide. Crack the windows slightly for fresh air. If no help comes prepare to hike to the nearest dwelling. Survival situations gone bad are most often preventable if thought through before you leave your home. Sometimes you could be trapped or pinned in a car or under a log, keep yourself sharp and alert and think it through never give in to fear or panic. You could write a book on survival and still not cover every situation. But we can be careful and smart and come out alive.

02-12-2011, 01:35 AM
Excellent tip regarding the exhaust pipe. Most people killed while trapped in their cars in the winter time are due to carbon monoxide poisoning. If you start to feel dizzy, tired, sick turn the engine off immediately and get some fresh air. Another symptom is reddish skin but if you're cold this could be difficult to look for. Be safe.

04-04-2011, 01:50 PM
Some great posts guys with very useful info. I have a bug-out/bug-in/survival back pack. It's an internal frame pack, you name it, it's probably in there. It's weighs about 40lbs., but for me, that's grab and go. I've also got my gun bag ready to go, ammo, reloading supplies, and gun kit. Here's some things I find essential to have: Short term water(survival water packs), Long term water(micron filter, purification tablets), Short term rations(MRE's, freeze dried, protein bars), Long term food gathering(snare kit, snare instructions), Fire Kit( Magnesium starter, blast match, flint and steel, 9 volt battery w/ steel wool, tinder), First aid kit, Good sharp knife and several other knives, small mess kit, Emergency blanket, zip-loc bags, rope/para-cord, whistle, compass, signaling mirror, solar/crank emergency radio, change of clothes, and two books: a survival book( US Army, SAS or similar book), and My personal choice: A Bible. The most important things you can have in a survival situation can't be put in the bag, 1: A positive attitude and outlook ( Having confidence you're going to survive and looking forward to better times)
2: Survival Instinct (Recognize what has to be done, make the right decision, and do it.) 3: Knowledge ( Sure, you can rely on a survival manual, but having those knowledge and skills in your own "memory banks" before you need them is so much better.)

04-05-2011, 05:12 PM
Yall its got scary out there and more so every day stay alert and prepared....

04-05-2011, 05:21 PM
You got that right. We will be doing some articles on survival in the coming future. So keep an eye out for that.

11-13-2011, 03:19 PM
I will try and add some stuff in the near future. I know I need to construct my grab bag. Some say I am outta my mind, but I would rather have it and not need it versus the other. I have done alot of courses and training in this relm over the last 20 years with Uncle Sam, of course survival can mean many things and is taylored to the culture and surroundings as to what I would have in mine. I am starting with the basic survival items as stated already, but will take some pics when I am done. Good thread and look forward to ideas and experiences of others. Thanks!!

02-10-2012, 03:53 PM
I have been working on some stuff for my family. I am.....I guess what you can say is skeptical, about our future. I am not the next contestent for the new reality show, "Doomsday Prpeers"; however I would like to be prepared whether it be a natural disaster or an alien invasion?????? I have checked out some sites, such as: http://www.bugoutkit.com/. There are some decent starter kits out there, and yes you will pay for them. This site has some of the better packs and prices for waht you get; however I am making my own. I am making a list and I will post it on here for some ideas, for those considering doing the same thing. I am not saying mine is any more right or wrong than anyone elses, just an idea. I consider not only current day threats and ideas, but also those that I have ran into from my last 20 years of the military mindset. I do feel that the world and it's people are changing, and something drastic will change in the near future that could cause civil disturbences, natural disasters, or just people to get nuttier than they already are.

02-29-2012, 02:32 PM
Here are several levels of the bug out bags http://zombiearms.com/ZAWP2011/?p=442
The bags are for different situations and lengths of time. As for being prepared just loook over this list and you should have an idea how to start making your own bags. You dont need to buy these premade bags. This link I gave is a listing they put online free and they are constantly updating and reevaluating it. There are alot of these list online, but i took the list at ZA as my start and evolved it to fit my self and my family.
They are talking about loading up bag lists for seasonal and for urban and forest regions. Very helpfull.

They also have a paid situational course to test you and your bag. I took the course last weekend and it was more like an adventure course that had educational pauses.

03-03-2012, 04:05 PM
Thanks for the link kungfujackrabbit. Pretty good info there. That course sounds like a lot of fun to me. BTW, welcome to GunNook!