Please share your most secret ways of bagging a deer by bow or gun. We know there are too many things on the market that are used for scent hiding or luring in a buck. I think we can all agree what we see in a Cabelas catalog is what most people are using. We need to help are local gun shops that carry many of the same items as Cabelas but not in terms of MASSIVE profits. It is so easy to go online click add to cart and buy from Cabelas, basspro, ect. The problem is you hurt your small town shops by doing that. What happens when the internet shuts down due to government control? Where will you get the ammo for your rifle, pistol and arrows for your bow? We need to strengthen our shop friends so we can drive to a shop that has the basic needs of the Hunter in mind. Even though this is an internet driven project at we are here for the hunter, the sportsman, and the shop owners. We need to keep our deer hunting heritage alive by sharing ideas and teaching our children what we have learned about hunting and keeping the local hunting-gun shop alive. I remember as a teenager browsing the products of my local shop and it was easy, the shop owner knew what people needed and stocked it. Even the shop owner was a person that picked up on the ideas of the customer. Please help us keep deer hunting as a heritage and not a profit for big stores. Also If you can share your ideas with us here on ways to improve our deer hunting tactics without using high dollar technology that makes it too easy. Thanks everyone out there.