No chance of survival.. I got a giggle from that one. I suppose if you poached at night using night vision, etc that might be true but not ethical for someone actually hunting.

Equipment is only a small part of the equation, woodsmanship is the bigger question. Yes a ATV you can cover more ground but deer quickly learn ATV means danger and will avoid them. When your Dad took a whole season to find a deer, the big difference was there were less deer by a huge amount. In WV in the 50's there were very few deer, but good management has the deer herd at much higher levels than it was then, it was even higher in the late 80's but it (the deer herd) was larger than the land could support so seasons were expanded to reduce the herd.

Compound bows still have to get with in 30 yards for a ethical shot, sure they can kill further than that but for the most part a good archer will limit his/her range to 30 and in so they have a good shot.

Yes with good optics and quality gun I can take a deer at 300 yards and know some guys who can take a deer at 500 with no problems. BUT if you don't shoot alot at long ranges you aren't going to kill many deer. Good equipment only gets you so far but knowing how to move in the woods and good trigger control will get you much further. A good woodsman will kill more deer with a open sight 30-30 than a poor woodsman with all the high tech bells and whistles. Killing a deer at even 100 yards that is constantly moving, changing shot angles, etc is a lot different than punching a paper target. Plus you have to get with in the range first (back to woodsmanship).

Hope I didn't step on any toes, but tech will only get you so far. Remember you are trying to take a critter in his bedroom where it knows every rock and tree and when you step in it's domain you stick out like a sore thumb. Just imagine if someone sneaks in your bedroom you sure as heck are going to notice, same thing.